Contact us
Below are some of are common questions:
Confirmation by email
After you have placed your order you will immediately receive a confirmation email from us. This mail lists the order information.
You did not receive a confirmation email?
If you did not receive a confirmation email you may have provided an incorrect email address. Check in your account to make sure you have provided the correct email information. It could also be in the spam filter of your mailbox, so always check your spam box or the ‘unwanted email’ folder. If you have not received an e-mail, will be happy to help you so that you still receive a confirmation e-mail.
Once you have placed your order we do our utmost to process it as quickly as possible to dispatch it to you. All of our products are handcrafted just for you and the process takes almost 45 days.
A placed order can no longer be changed or cancelled. Changing or cancelling your order is unfortunately not possible.
Yeap! We ship internationally. Depending on the country where you purchase is delivered to, different delivery costs apply. You will see the cost at the checkout process before you proceed to the payment.
(Be aware of customs costs if the delivery address is a non-European Union country)
You have 30 days to change your mind on all purchases from So, if for some reason you are not happy with your purchase you can return it within 30 days. Before you do so, please read carefully our Return Policy.
For Vectors & Roses items not purchased through this web shop, please contact the shop where the items were bought.